How to generate sales leads for your business

Cover image for Start Your Own Business podcast episode titled How to generate sales leads for your business with Charlie Day as our expert guest

Success and indeed survival in business relies upon making enough sales. If you don’t, you’ll soon run out of cash and that’s likely to spell the end for your business. If you are to make enough sales, you must generate sufficient sales leads, which is a never-ending challenge, because all businesses lose customers over time.  So, how does your business generate leads and how many leads is enough? What’s the difference between ‘qualified’ and ‘unqualified sales leads? What are your main options if you want to generate sales leads online? What techniques can you use to generate offline sales leads?  

Answering these and other key questions is sales expert Charlie Day, founder of her own sales consultancy, Charlie Day Sales, author of the book Sales Is Easy If You Know How and creator of the Facebook group of the same name, which has more than 10,000 members. Charlie is on a mission to “help small business owners to sell with ease and confidence”.       

How to generate sales leads for your business – show notes

Sales leads

Sales strategy

Email marketing

Selling online

Your audience

About our sales expert

Charlie Day is the founder of her own sales consultancy, Charlie Day Sales, author of the book Sales Is Easy If You Know How and creator of the Facebook group of the same name, which has more than 10,000 members. Charlie is on a mission to “help small business owners to sell with ease and confidence”.       

You can find Charlie Day on her website

Join Charlie’s Facebook group

Connect with Charlie on LinkedIn

Buy Charlie’s book ‘Sales is easy if you just know how!’ on Amazon

About Interact

Interact believes every business has a unique story to tell, and their fun, interactive quizzes help you tell it in the most engaging way possible. Captivate your audience and drive meaningful engagement and growth for your brand with ease.

The Interact platform is designed with you in mind—whether you’re a seasoned marketer, a small business owner, or just someone passionate about connecting with others. With an easy-to-use quiz builder, you can create personalised quizzes that resonate with your audience, generate leads, and provide valuable insights into their preferences and behaviours.

You can also connect your quiz with your email system to trigger specific emails and workflows based on quiz answers and results. From lead generation to audience segmentation, the Interact tools are designed to help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

Ready to see the magic for yourself? Get started with Interact’s free AI tool today and join thousands of businesses that have already discovered the power of interactive content. Start growing the heck out of your email list now!

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