Globally, LinkedIn has a staggering 900 million-plus users. You might well be one of them. LinkedIn is estimated to have more than 35 million users in the UK, a mix of individuals, organisations and businesses of all sizes. They use the site to raise their profile, network and find new customers. So, how do youContinue reading “How to use LinkedIn to grow your business”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
How to create cash flow forecasts and budget
When a business fails it’s normally because it has run out of cash and can’t pay its bills on demand. This can happen to successful businesses, with attractive products and services, healthy sales and profit margins. Ensuring that your cash flow remains healthy needs to be a key priority for your business. That means notContinue reading “How to create cash flow forecasts and budget”
How to cold call your way to new customers
In an age where many businesses use digital marketing techniques, others use old-school tactics such as cold calling. Cold calling is a direct marketing method involving phoning potential customers you’ve never met or spoken to before. Cold-calling isn’t for the thin-skinned, because even if you have a great opening gambit, it’s not unusual to beContinue reading “How to cold call your way to new customers”
How to use funded training to future-proof your small business
It’s often said that a business’ most valuable asset is its people – and that includes you. Your team’s talent, knowledge, hard work and commitment will be what enables your business to succeed. But to make the most of your team, you need the right training. You also need to develop your new talent, too,Continue reading “How to use funded training to future-proof your small business”
How I started The Bottled Baking Co
The dream of any small business must be to get their products stocked by renowned high-street retailers. But, as anyone will tell you, reaching the right buyers and convincing them to sell your products is far from easy. In this fascinating start-up story, we speak to Greg Fraser, founder of The Bottled Baking Co whichContinue reading “How I started The Bottled Baking Co”
How print on demand enabled me to start my business
When you start your own business, you must minimise your start-up costs, because then your business starts to make a profit much sooner. If you have to shell out for stock, it increases your start-up costs considerably. And you tie up money you could have used to run your business, while there’s also a riskContinue reading “How print on demand enabled me to start my business”
How to develop confidence in your new business
Confidence is said to be everything. That’s not strictly true, because other things in life and business are also important. But, confidence can help you to overcome challenges, build relationships, take risks, deal with setbacks but ultimately achieve great things. You need to have confidence in yourself and your business. So, why might that notContinue reading “How to develop confidence in your new business”
How to increase online sign-ups, enquiries or sales
Does your website successfully convert web traffic into paying customers? Does it deliver what your customers expect? What are the essential elements that every website needs to persuade visitors to sign up, enquire or make a purchase? Why does web design matter and how do you keep visitors engaged and coming back for more? AnsweringContinue reading “How to increase online sign-ups, enquiries or sales”
Boost your website’s Google ranking
Even if you don’t sell online, having a great website is a must. Before many customers will buy from you, they’ll want to find out more about what you sell and how much you charge. Many will also want to know more about your story, who you are, your values as a business and whatContinue reading “Boost your website’s Google ranking”
How to generate sales leads for your business
Success and indeed survival in business relies upon making enough sales. If you don’t, you’ll soon run out of cash and that’s likely to spell the end for your business. If you are to make enough sales, you must generate sufficient sales leads, which is a never-ending challenge, because all businesses lose customers over time. So,Continue reading “How to generate sales leads for your business”